The Сolor of Water Essay


     We have already talked a lot about famous people and their outstanding writing in our blog. Today, you are welcome to view another outstanding piece by James McBride.       Water cycle essay, water conservation essay, soil and water conservation essay, essay on water pollution, water scarcity essay, water crisis essay, color of water essay, water storage essay, any essay on water you pick to write on or you are assigned to write on, it will be a good Continue reading

Revolution in Agricultural Sphere of Life


     People evolve with every new day. Gradually, there is something to be proud of. Some think it is shameful though. Some cannot accept homosexual relationships, for example and do not find it appropriate to let same-sex people get married and start families. Along with social sphere of life, agricultural side evolves just as well.      The development of human civilization is intimately connected with scientific-and-technological advance. There is so many Continue reading

Agree or Disagree Essay


     Writing an essay, especially if that is something you as an author needs to agree or disagree with, you should make it sound persuasive enough so it was clear for your readers why you agree or disagree upon a matter. You have a chance to look through our argumentative pieces of writings just as well to make your paper credible.      You need a topic to start with. You might actually be given one to write on. All you need to do is to make an Continue reading

Agents of Socialization Essay


     Socialization sounds huge but we have already talked about this matter discussing other issues in our previous blogposts. Socialization can be seen through different human`s activities. It is a process of acquirement of cultural values, social norms, attitudes, models of behavior, necessary for successful functioning in a society by an individual. A human being turns from a biological creature into social one, namely socialization and environmentalism. Socialization Continue reading

Gun control Essay: Eats Shoots and Leaves


     The more controversy within a topic for an essay, the more interesting it gets to work upon it. We have talked many interesting and disputable things by now and this time will not be an exception.      There are the following amendments to the United States Constitution: Freedom of speech, religion, press freedom, freedom to gather, freedom of petition. Freedom to keep and carry arms and weapons. Prohibition to arrange military men in private residence Continue reading

Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?


     Gays are also human being to begin with. There was an article about gay rights posted a while ago on our website you could get acquainted with. Today, we are going to speak about whether gay marriages has a right to exist.      The topic is quite controversial. Opinions differ but we are here to pour some light on the matter and give you something to begin your essay with. In case you have no ideas at all, feel free to meet our team of writers who will gladly Continue reading

Arranged Marriage vs Love Marriage Essay


     There are psychologists who believe that arranged marriages are stronger than marriages based on love. However, first, every nation has a mentality of its own, secondly, what actually to strive for? For a strong marriage where relations are based on certain property relations or still for a happy marriage based on love?      We have already discussed many controversial topics by now. If to speak about marriage, there is no happiness within a marriage Continue reading

Essay on Euthanasia: a Help to Die


     What is euthanasia? It is another debatable question along with a capital punishment we talked about in our previous article. It is also called a mercy killing. Euthanasia means to allow dying or to put somebody who is death-sick to death. Some consider it a murderer though. Of course, it is difficult to accept when to speak about people we love. It is easier to think of people we do not know taking such a decision. We can easily say inspiriting words like “his/her Continue reading

Capital Punishment Essay


     The opinion on capital punishment or death penaltyis debatable. It is rather impossible to define it with one word. On the one hand, there are people who stand for it with all the understanding of the fact that it is inhuman and cruel.      Life is given by God and a human being has no right to take it away. There are cases though when people should pay for what they have done for the price of their own lives. It happens in the case when a human being Continue reading

5 Arguments Pro and Con of Death Penalty You Should Think of


     Death penalty is a philosophical dilemma just like animal testingand it is not as abstract as it might seem to be at first sight. Does one person even the one conferring powers acting on behalf of the country have a right to reave another of life. Below, you will get to see five pros and cons arguments to support each position: Cons: punishing but no learning      Why do you punish your children? Nowise for pleasure have (parents always worried when they are Continue reading