The Black Death Essay: One Of Darkest Pages Of History


Previously we were talking about biology in extended essay and bipolar disorder in the essay. Both topics are rather complicated but it does not mean that it is impossible to discuss and to write on it. The Black death is one of the darkest pages of the world`s history. Very few people know how many people died during the disease to spread over if anyone. The Black Death is a disease of many centuries. It is a natural focal contagious disease, which is caused by plague bacillus called Yersinia Continue reading

Biology Extended Essay


     In our previous publication, we were talking about such a disorder as bipolar disorder. If you need an essay on this topic, you are free to contact professional essay writers available 24/7.      What  do we need biology as a science for? What role does it play in our life? Why is it obligatory to learn at school?      Biology is a science about how live nature functions. To know biology means to know the laws of nature in Continue reading

Bipolar Disorder Essay:Symptoms


     Previously, we were talking about Huckleberry Finn in case you need an essay on Huckleberry Finn. Of course, it is better to read a book so you could have an idea what it is all about and today we are going to talk about bipolar disorder. It is also known as manic-depressive illness, which is a mental illness for which rapid mood changing, energy gap and functional performance are typical. Unlike normal mood changing, with its ups and downs, which reside in everyone, Continue reading

Huckleberry Finn Essay


     Our previous article was about Internet addiction. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written in 1885 by Mark Twain is his key work. “This is our best book, - Ernest Hemingway wrote, - all the American literature came out of it.” He meant broadest aspect influence of the literary writing: its democracy and humanity, its flexibility and a new language for the world`s literature, simple and the most closely resembling conversational speech. All of the above has Continue reading

Internet Addiction Essay


     Our previous article was about intercultural communication. Essay about the Internet sounds like the easiest topic to choose from if assigned to write an essay in the college or a high school. It is an era of Internet. Everyone has Internet at home, at work, mobile internet to use wherever one goes. It is difficult to imagine a person with no internet. Internet is used not for entertainment only but for getting information as well, for work, family and such. It is ...Continue reading

Intercultural Communication Essay


     Our previous article was about technology and whether it is a good or a bad thing. Do you have a friend who is a foreigner? Maybe you have an experience of interacting with an exchange student? Both cases this is what is called an intercultural communication. This is interaction between people who come from different nationalities originally. This is the case when knowing a foreign language is may come at handy. You most likely enjoy the ability to communicate with Continue reading

Is Technology Good Or Bad?


     Our previous article was about importance of family. In the era of technology, when there are so many opportunities, one may find the question rather odd. Using technologies, we make our life easier, more interesting and fun. Using technologies, we are able to connect people throughout the world even though at times Internet connection fails or the signal is poor. Those are hazards of technology.      Essay on technology means a paper in which its Continue reading

Importance Of Family Essay


     We were discussing admiration with a mother. What is family essay? It is an essay about family. The importance of family in life of every person is indisputable. If you were assigned to write an essay about your family, it seems to be the easiest topic ever. You do not need to collect any information if only you are going to write upon your great grandparents whom you are unlikely to know much out of hand.      Family definition essay is an essay in Continue reading

I Admire My Mom Essay


     Last time we talked about integrity and honesty. What can be more delightful than to write an essay on mom? I admire my mom essay, my mother essay, essay on my mother, my mom essay, essay about my mother, mother essay, essay on mother, my mom is my hero essay, options vary. Essays about mothers cannot be bad meaning that the topic itself is nice. There is another option to write about grandmother essay. Everyone has a mother and a grandmother. Of course, the situations Continue reading

Honesty And Integrity Essay


     Before going to the next topic, let us spare a moment on restoring in our memories the preivious one, which was about hip-hop culture. Essay about honesty is difficult to work on because everyone has a definition of honesty of its own. Besides, to write the essay is quite of work. Honesty essay may become your way to express yourself and get people acquainted with what really matters. If you were assigned to write an academic honesty essay, this is your chance to make it ...Continue reading