Albert Einstein Essay


     Indeed, there has already been told so much about Albert Einstein that it is hard to come up with something new. Your ability to collect data and writing skills might help you to create another piece about him, which may become as likable as those, which already exist.

     In case of you to require additional help, our writers come to help you and will make it work for you straight away. You will find the name of Albert Einstein in any list of history great thinkers in general and world`s well-known physics in particular. 

     Reading our previous blogposts, you could have seen there to be articles about truly unique people who deserved their place in the history of the country they came originally from and a place in the world`s history. Those are local inheritage, people the next generations should be proud of. Some are proud realizing all the importance and contribution they have made; some do not get it as of yet due to young age or other reasons.

     His theories of probability led to absolutely new perception of time, space, substance, energy and gravitation. Works of Einstein led to such scientific achievements as control of atomic power and space research. He was modest and curious child, interested in mathematics and there was no time left for other subjects at all.

     At the age of 26, he published five main research papers in a huge German magazine on physics. He took doctor`s degree for the first one of them. Publication of the following four changed the view of humanity on the Universe forever. One of his papers proved photon light theory and quantum theory of light. Television and other inventions are Einstein`s discoveries put in practice. Einstein showed that time and movement are relative to an observer if to consider the speed of light constant, then laws of nature are alike in the whole universe. His forth paper was basically a mathematical addition to a special theory of probability. His general theory of probability was published in 1916. Global fame has come to him in 1919 when Royal Society in London announced that his general theory of probability was confirmed. He was awarded with a Nobel prize in the sphere of physics in two years after. He has become an American citizen in 1940.    

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